
Week 31 (2019) Update

The final planting (week 25) of the Japanese stocks is in flower this  week and vase life tests are being undertaken on all of the varieties (huge thank you to Laura Tebby at Superflora for doing this for us).

The second flush of Veronica is now coming into flower (see left hand photo) but powdery mildew is just starting to creep into the crop (see left hand photos) so the spray programme has now been stepped up to weekly sprays.

The hot weather this week has meant that the Scabious have overflushed meaning it was very hard to keep on top of the cropping.  We have decided to cut back half of each variety to determine if this will generate a vigorous flush of fresh stems in a few weeks time when the area not cut back will be starting to lose its vigour.  We will report back on this trial later in the season.